Book you lucrative tour package of Chidambaram for 4 Nights, 5 Days offered by Tripclap at 14,899 /Per Person . Find detailed day wise itinerary of Chidambaram tour package below which will be further customized once you enquire with us and share you trip details.
Enquire for an exciting Chidambaram sightseeing tour which will cover some of the most exciting places to visit near and at Chidambaram.
If you have any query regarding booking of your Chidambaram tour package then please call us at our 24x7 helpline number present at our profile page - Tripclap and to book your tour to Chidambaram please send your trip details in our tour package booking form.
To enjoy your Chidambaram trip don't forget to get the following activites added in your Chidambaram itinerary
To enjoy you Chidambaram trip don't forget to get the following activites added in your Chidambaram
Flight From New Delhi To Chidambaram
Facilities3 Seater | 2 Luggage Bags | AC
Check-in To Hotel In Meera Lodge IncludesBreakfast Room TypeQueens RoomĀ Ā
Natraja temple Piachavaram Gangai Konda Cholapuram Thirrukadaiyur Mayiladuthurai Vaitheeswaran Koil Poompuhar Sirkazhi Thiaali Kliamman Temple Ā
Kayaking. River Rafting. Rock Climbing. Scuba Diving. Trekking.