Because when you pack wisely you enjoy the trip endlessly. Especially during these crazy times of pandemic. Holiday, travel, road trip, getaways etc. etc these are not words but a feeling of happiness and excitement, and mostly in this feeling of excitement we often forget to pack the most important things. And that is when we think, “Oh! I should have packed this”.
Packing is an art and I have inherited this talent from my
Baba. During our childhood we used to visit our grandma’s house (
Naani ka ghar) for summer vacation. My baba would take care of packing. Even now when we visit home for vacation,while going back he would come up with his
checklist to make sure that I have got everything.That is why I am always prepared.
A small and simple looking bag, my jhola which holds some really important stuff. And I can never think of travelling without it. Honestly it is my go-to bag. It is always good to have some things accessible especially when you are travelling alone. My jhola consists of different pouches, as it looks more organised and things are easy to find.
With my personal travel experience I will share these simple yet important things which make your journey way easier.
So the first thing which I put in my bag is my very own version of First aid kit, because “prevention is better than cure”.
My father is a doctor, so we never really had to cue up at any doctor’s clinic. When I went to Kolkata for my hotel management, he used to make a handwritten list of medicines. He would keep one and give me the other. Whenever I felt sick, I would call my baba, and he would tell me the medicine name and explain how it would work. So you know the knowledge of medicines kind of runs in our blood. And that is why I do not travel without this kit. In my first aid I add some basic medicines like digene, disprin, some band aids, rash cream, cough logenze, ear drops, eye drops, for vomiting I keep some desi cure that is saunf (fennel seeds) and along with some cloves, last but not least our pandemic special, hand sanitizer, pocket sanitizer spray, mask and gloves.

Next comes my
small toiletry pouch, which came very handy as once my connecting flight from Hyderabad to my home town got cancelled and I was stuck at the airport for a very long time. In this pouch I put things like a dental kit, hand towel, miniature bottle of moisturiser, toothpicks, ear bud, some tissues, pocket size deodorant, mosquito repellent roll on, pocket comb, hand wash/paper soaps, and most importantly my
lip balm. I mostly travel with my husband, so a small pouch of shaving gel and razor is also something I add.

The next pouch has my
earphones, charger, a pen, notepad, power bank, sunglasses, important keys, reading book and a scarf/stole.You might think, who won’t pack a charger, but trust me it is the one thing which we forget easily.
My husband keeps a spare charger. For travelling we always pack those chargers because at home all the main chargers have their fixed positions in the house. It also gets important to keep our phone fully charged before travelling, because our entire world revolves around our phone.
The moment we switch from wifi to mobile data, the battery goes down at a higher speed.
It is also advisable to travel with some cash, especially small denominations. Though everything is digital but in travel expect the unexpected. A quick snack or a cup of tea/coffee can be bought easily. I would also add a small snack bag with some chips, cookies and chocolates.
Finally a small bottle of water which can be easily fitted in the bag and will save you that extra time, you might spend in looking for a shop.
So there you go, that’s my travelling jhola, which makes me atma nirbhar. It can handle from a long wait to a small medical emergency.
Hope and wish everyone a very safe, secure and happy journey.