10 Research Objective 1: Explore the activities of small hotels in terms of their business operations, aspirations, market needs. There are many activities which a hotelier does in order to manage his hotel well. From qualitative review it can be easily inferred that hoteliers majorly involved in marketing, human resource and operational activities. Financial activities are also there but that doesn’t take much of their time, as raising working capital is not a regular thing.
Here are some hypotheses which I generated post conducting the qualitative research.
Hypothesis 1: Hotels in hilly areas devote majority time in hiring skilled staff Data Analysis tool: Cross Tabulation
As seen in this cross tabulation table, Hotels in Hill Station devote maximum time in ‘Branding of their hotels’. Therefore, this hypothesis has to be rejected. In fact after looking at this table we can say that hotels in ‘Non Metro City’ devotes maximum time in ‘hiring of labor/staff’
Managerial Implications: Even for hotels in hilly areas branding is a more important activity. Hotel branding includes identity creation like logo, taglines etc; positioning; pricing; promotion in different travel events like SATTE, OTM etc; building B2B networks in order to ensure future sustainability.
Hypothesis 2: Hotels in Metro devote average time in doing digital marketing for generating booking
Ho - Rating of digital marketing by hotels in metro is 3 i.e mu=3 H1 - Rating of digital marketing by hotels in metro is not 3 i.emu!=3 (we will go for two tail test) Data analysis tool: One sample T-Test
Therefore, at 95% confidence level for the two tail test p-value is = 0.99 which is above alpha value. Hence null hypothesis is accepted.
Managerial Implication: Although digital marketing brings more direct sales for a hotel, owners focus more on branding of hotels by participating in different events and sponsorships. Securing future revenues and long term growth is more important than the short term gains for the hotels in metro areas.
Hypothesis 3: More than 80% hoteliers are saying there is no change in their activities post covid 19 Data analysis tool: frequency count
The Null hypothesis is accepted as more than 80% hoteliers are saying that their activities are not different from pre Covid. Managerial Implication: Though the world has changed a lot, hoteliers are still performing the same activities for managing their property.
Research Objective 2: Understand the major challenges encountered by small hotels to continue their operations before and post Covid-19 crisis.
Hypothesis 1: Hiring Quality/trained staff in hilly areas is more challenging than hotels in metros 6 out 7 hotels in hill station (Shimla, Manali, Kedarnath, Shillong, Darjeeling, Kashmir) mentioned hiring in their challenge however hotels in metro ie Mr. Qabool, Mr. Ajay didn’t mention hiring in their challenges. Mr Amit Tiwari from Shimla said ‘Quality staff industry ko chod chuka hai, and Shimla main jahaan baraf girti hai and inaccessible ho jata hai sardiyon main - hiring ek bahot bada challenge ban jata hai. Log milte nahi hain and aana bhi nahi chahte’
H0 - mu of hiring in hilly area my of hiring in metro area
H1 - mu of hiring in hilly area > my of hiring in metro area
Data analysis tool: Two sample T Test
P value i.e 0.34 is more than alpha i.e 0.05 in one tail test. So we cannot say that the hiring challenge rated by hill station hotels is more than that of hiring challenge rated by metro hotels. Hence, we accept the null hypothesis and reject this hypothesis that hill station hotels face more challenges in hiring quality/trained staff.
Managerial Implications: People are ready to go to hill stations for work. There is a lack of staff in the overall hospitality industry.
Hypothesis 2: Those who take classification faces less challenges Data analysis tool: Frequency count

Managerial implications: Taking classification is beneficial and small hotels should strive hard to take it. Poor knowledge and cumbersome process is the reason for not taking classification. The Ministry of Tourism & FHRAI should run a campaign to make hoteliers understand the benefits of taking classifications.
Currently approximately 2000 hotels only have taken the classification out of more than approximately 80000 hotels in India.
Hypothesis 3: Star rating influences the rating of a challenge given by a hotel
Ho - Star rating doesn't have any impact on the rating of a challenge
H1 - Star rating have an impact on the rating of a challenge Data analysis tool: ANOVA Single factor

Since p value is more than alpha, therefore at 95% confidence level we have to accept the null hypothesis and conclude that there is no significant interaction between star rating of a hotel and the rating of the challenges they face.
Managerial implications:
Hospitality industry faces similar challenges irrespective of the star ratings they have taken from the ministry of tourism (MOT). There isn’t much that MOT is contributing to reduce the challenges of operating a hotel in India.
Cross tabulation table shows that hotels in metro rated ‘Tourism College’ the least as compared to other hotels who have rated ‘Tourism College’ comparatively higher. Therefore, this hypothesis is accepted
Managerial Implications: It is easier for hotels in metropolitan areas to find the right talent as our country has talent concentration in metropolitan areas. All major institutions either have main branches in metro areas or satellite campuses.
Hypothesis 2: For bigger hotels (30+ rooms) Tax authorities are the main facilitato

Hotels with rooms more than 50 haven’t rated ‘Tax Authorities’ highest amongst all major facilitators. Therefore this hypothesis shall be rejected.
Managerial Implications: GOI is the main facilitator for bigger hotels & the government should do something about it. Bigger hotels have higher fixed cost and higher taxation. In order to make their business more viable the government should provide some subsidy for e.g should allow hotel reimbursement to government employees who apply for LTA. Currently it is not there.
Research Objective 4: Explore recommendations for the small hotels to manage their business Out of 9 major recommendations, hoteliers have given average 5 recommendations.
Hypothesis 1: Hotels in hill stations need easy availability of loan
As shown in this cross tabulation table, we can see that hotels in hill stations have the highest frequency count of ‘Easy availability of loan’ i.e 23.
Managerial Implications: Hospitality industry should be whitelisted by financial authorities and there should be more branches of banks in hilly areas as hotels there want easy availability of loans. When loans are not available against the hotel, owners take personal loans in order to meet working capital.
Hypothesis 2: Bigger hotels, having more than 30 rooms, in metro wants uniformity in GST the most
Managerial Implications: Bigger hotels require more initial capital to build and when they are in the metro that cost increases multifolds. That’s why bigger hotels face loss for initial years. They want to set off business losses to upto 12 years which is currently 8 years as per financial norms of our country.
Hypothesis 3: Size & location of hotel impacts the recommendations
Hao - Size of hotel has no significant impact on the number of recommendations
Ha1 - Size of hotel has a significant impact on the number of recommendations
Hb0 - Location of hotel has no significant impact on the number of recommendations
Hb1 - Location of hotel has a significant impact on the number of recommendations
Data analysis tool: Two way Anova without replication
At 95% confidence level we can say that the null hypothesis can’t be rejected. Therefore, size and location doesn’t have a significant impact on the number of recommendations provided by a hotel
Managerial Implication: Hospitality industry overall is impacted in the current business environment and irrespective of size and location, the number of recommendations are not significantly impacted. Average 5 recommendations are provided by each hotel in our quantitative analysis.