Distance from Delhi- By road or train, the distance from Delhi is 614 kilometers, which takes 9 hours.
Nearest airport- Jodhpur Airport is the city's closest airport. (8-9 kilometers from the city's core).
Nearest railway station- 18 minutes (6.1 km) from Mehrangarh fort
The average hotel price in jodhpur- Hotel prices range from 12,00 rupees to 3500 rupees on average.
Best time to visit- September to march
Entry changes- 200/-
Timings- 8:00am- 5:00pm
Distance from Delhi- It takes 5 hours and 20 minutes to go from Delhi to Jaipur (289.9km)
Nearest airport- Jaipur International Airport is the closest airport. Amer fort is 48 minutes away (19.8 kilometers).
Nearest railway station- Jaipur station is the closest railway station. Amer Fort is 39 minutes away (13.3 kilometers).
Average hotel price in Jaipur- The average hotel price in Jaipur is between 1200 and 3500 rupees