There is no direct flight from India to Tuy Hoa. However, you can take a flight to Ho Chi Minh City and then take a connecting flight to Tuy Hoa.
There are no airports in Tuy Hoa. The nearest airport is in Da Nang, which is about 105 km from Tuy Hoa.
There are a number of ways to reach Tuy Hoa by road. The most popular route is to take Highway 1 from Da Nang or Hue. Alternatively, you can take Highway 19 from Nha Trang.
The train journey from Ho Chi Minh City to Tuy Hoa is about 15 hours long.
There is no direct bus from Ho Chi Minh City to Tuy Hoa. However, there are buses from Ho Chi Minh City to Dong Ha, which is about a three-hour bus ride from Tuy Hoa. From Dong Ha, there are buses to Tuy Hoa.
There is a bus system in Tuy Hoa, but it is not very reliable. Taxis are the best way to get around town.