The nearest airport to Nandi Hills is Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru. Kempegowda International Airport is located at a distance of around 54 km from Nandi Hills.
Nandi Hills is located at a distance of around 60 km from Bangalore. There are a number of ways to reach Nandi Hills from Bangalore. One can take a bus from Majestic Bus Stand in Bangalore or drive down to Nandi Hills.
Nandi Hills can be reached from Bangalore by train. There are two ways to reach there - either take a train to Nelamangala and then take a bus to Nandi Hills or take a train to Chikballapur and then take a bus to Nandi Hills.
There is no public transport in Nandi Hills. Visitors can hire taxis or autos from Bangalore to reach Nandi Hills.