How To Reach Naftalan

Best time to visit

By Air

Fly to Ganja International Airport (GNJ):
  • The nearest airport to Naftalan is Ganja International Airport, located approximately 50 kilometers away.
Major airlines operate flights to Ganja from several international destinations.
Fly to Heydar Aliyev International Airport (GYD) in Baku:
  • Baku's Heydar Aliyev International Airport, the main international gateway to Azerbaijan, is about 330 kilometers from Naftalan.
From Baku, you can reach Naftalan by train, bus, or car.

By Train

  • From Baku to Ganja:
Take a train from Baku to Ganja, which has regular services. The journey takes about 4-5 hours.
From Ganja, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to Naftalan, which is about an hour's drive away.

By Road

By Bus 
From Baku:
Buses and minibuses operate from Baku to Naftalan, providing an affordable travel option. The bus journey typically takes around 5-6 hours.

From Ganja:
Regular bus services are available from Ganja to Naftalan, with a travel time of approximately 1 hour.

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