Diveagar Beach

Diveagar Beach

Harihareshwar Diveagar Beach is located in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra. It is a secluded beach with clear waters and white sand. It is a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and surfing. There are several restaurants and accommodations in the area.

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Activities at Diveagar Beach

There are plenty of activities that can be enjoyed at Diveagar Beach. Sunbathing, swimming, and strolling along the shore are some of the most popular activities. There are also a few small shops and restaurants located along the beach where visitors can purchase snacks and beverages. Additionally, visitors can enjoy renting a bicycle or motorcycle to explore the area.

Diveagar Beach Resort

Harihareshwar Diveagar Beach Resort is a resort located in Diveagar, India.

How To Reach Diveagar Beach

Diveagar Beach is located in Ratnagiri district, Maharashtra. You can reach Diveagar Beach by road or by rail.

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