Bidar Fort

Bidar Fort

Bidar fort is a fort in Bidar, Karnataka, India. The fort is also known as the Bidar citadel. It is one of the most important historical sites in Karnataka. The fort is surrounded by a moat.

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Architecture of Bidar Fort

The Bidar Fort is an imposing structure, built in the Indo-Saracenic style. It comprises a series of massive, interlocking ramparts, with circular bastions at regular intervals. There are also several large gateways, including the imposing Bidar Gate, which is flanked by two massive towers. The fort is surrounded by a moat, which is crossed by a number of bridges.

Structures Inside Bidar Fort

There are several structures inside Bidar Fort, including a mosque, a palace, and a few other buildings.

Bidar Fort History

Bidar fort was built in the 15th century by the Bahamani Sultanate. It is located in Bidar, Karnataka, India.

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