Parbateyswar Shivalaya Mandir

Parbateyswar Shivalaya Mandir

Aritar Parbateyswar Shivalaya Mandir is a Hindu temple located in the town of Aritar, East Sikkim, Sikkim, India. The temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. The temple is a popular tourist destination in Aritar. It is believed that the temple is more than 1,000 years old. The temple is built in the Nagara style of architecture. It has a shikhara (spire) and a mandapa (porch). The temple is surrounded by a courtyard. The temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. It is believed that the temple is more than 1,000 years old. The temple is built in the Nagara style of architecture. It has a shikhara (spire) and a mandapa (porch). The temple is surrounded by a courtyard. The temple is open to the public from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

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